Monday, August 27, 2018

"Change your heart, look around you. Change your heart, it will astound you."

I fully believe in the healing power of where my family has been planted.

We have been spending time in the frigid waters of this place. Lakes, streams and rivers literally awaken your soul when you take the plunge (or fall off your paddle board). You are completely aware of every square inch of your body when the water you are in takes your breath away because of its temperature.

We have spent time in the dry and dusty woods here. Being covered from head to toe in grit and dirt before our tent is even fully set up. There isn’t much else that makes me happier than seeing my children with bed head, dirt still smeared on their faces and stumbling out of our tent in the morning while the cool mountain air calls us to simply be aware.

We have spent time in the dirty, somehow still going strong #adventurevan. Singing our hearts out to the terrible pop music my children are into while I try and balance out their taste with weird folk and hip-hop. We roll down the windows and feel the changing temperature as we drive through all sorts of ecosystems and mountain passes on the way to our adventures.

We have spent time in our backyard and in the gardens of our neighbors. Taking time to literally stop and smell the flowers. There is so much beauty in the simplest of flowers, fruit, veggies and hops that are somehow continuing to thrive in our yard despite my haphazard approach to “gardening”.

We have spent time in the chaotic and always unorganized place that Benton and Parker call a bedroom at night. Talking. Laughing. Reading Amelia Bedelia. My own little way of checking in. Seeing that my kids are actually doing really well. They are finding a way. They are a living and breathing example to me.

We have spent as much time as possible being off of schedule. Staying out late, skipping showers, not wearing a watch, eating breakfast for lunch, Watching movies way past our bedtime, leaving messes in the sink and not having plans on purpose.

We have been in the backyards and equally unorganized/chaotic homes of our neighbors. We have been getting to know the people that embraced us. Asking questions, letting the kids run wild, sharing meals and beers (so many beers). The stories are great, the people are better. What I’ve ultimately seen in the transparency of my community is that I live among generous, hard-working, big hearted and fun loving people. I’ve also seen that nobody has a clue. We are all trying to figure life out and find a balance. I love and value the honesty in the ability to have people admit that. I couldn’t ask for better neighbors.

We have been in so many beautiful places this summer. We have grown. We have taken steps. We have embraced forward motion. This season was so necessary for my family. I can’t even imagine what the last few months would have looked like if I had to roll right back into work. This summer has given us a fighting chance to thrive. Having this time has allowed us to just live, just be and just love on each other.

We are excited about the school year and this next season. We are excited to welcome whatever it brings us as a family and to continue to fully embrace the healing power of where we have been planted.


Headshot of Parker from her art camp performance.

Make a cute face for the camera please...


He was able to take home three tootsie rolls and a slap bracelet with all these tickets.

Breakfast for lunch.

The girl with a thousand expressions.

Second breakfast is the best breakfast.

Picking some awesome raspberries with a great friend.

My first sunflower!

Squeezing in some paddle board time with Parker. 
There may or may not be a naked boy jumping on this trampoline with my daughter.